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Monday, January 26, 2009

Cupcake Solitaires

Sometimes just one cupcake is so pretty by itself, isn't it?

These are a sampling of the variety of cuppies that I am bringing to a friend's for a hostess gift. The first is a chocolate cuppie with fudge frosting and buttercream on top (filled with the fudge frosting, too). The second is vanilla filled with fresh strawberry cream and topped with vanilla buttercream. The third is a dark chocolate guinness cuppie filled with fudge frosting and topped with vanilla buttercream and last, but not least is the red velvet chip topped with the fudge and vanilla frostings.

1 comment:

rachel haines said...

those look yummy! By the wya the captain loved his cupcake and his wife loved it to. She kept it at her table to show everyone.


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